Department of Sport, Taoyuan is established with the aims to properly plan and manage the sports fields under jurisdiction and actively hold the sports activities, in order to enhance national sport, national health and life quality. Moreover, our goals are to effectively cultivate excellent players, strengthen sports competency of the city and accomplish the goal of “City of Physical Education”.
Taoyuan County has great sports atmosphere, as demonstrated by world-class sports fields constructed by the government and varied sports events. Under aggressive promotion by the sports circle, there is great development in the sports field of Taoyuan, and great performances have been delivered in various competitions.
Department of Sport, Taoyuan strives to promote public participation in sports, as well as the spirit and advantages of sports. “Sports for anyone, at anytime and anywhere” is our goal.
■Job Descriptions

Planning Section
- Plan and promote sports policies.
- Develop sports industry.
- International sports exchange.
- Information, regulations, research and evaluation affairs.

Sports Facilities Section
- Plan, operate and manage for Sports Complex and public sports facilities.
- Guide and manage for sports venues and facilities, and supervise the government outsourcing to private corporations.
- Manage, maintain and lease for sport fields and equipments.

Professional Athlete Development Section
- Plan and transact the training for outstanding athletes.
- Long-term planning, impetus and holding for international competitions of Asian and Olympic Games.

General Exercise Education Section
- Plan and hold sports for all.
- Long-term planning, impetus and holding for international competitions of non-Asian and non-Olympic Games.
- Guide, manage, award, and evaluate for civil sport organizations.

Administration OfficeIn charge of documents, files, cashing, general administration, assets management, public relationship affairs and other matters do not belong to other sections or offices.

Accounting OfficeIn charge of matters regarding the budget, accounting and statistics according to law

Personal OfficeIn charge of personnel management affairs according to law.

Governmental Ethics OfficeIn charge of ethic administration general affairs according to law.